Dr.sc. Vladan Papić, full professor with tenure
e-mail: vladan.papic@fesb.hr
Dr.sc. Sven Gotovac, full professor with tenure
e-mail: sven.gotovac@fesb.hr
Dr.sc. Mirjana Bonković, full professor with tenure
e-mail: mirjana.bonkovic@fesb.hr
Dr.sc. Hrvoje Dujmić, associate professor (*)
Dr.sc. Vladimir Pleština, assistant professor
e-mail: vlade@pmfst.hr
Dr.sc. Tea Marasović, postdoctoral fellow
e-mail: tea.marasovic@fesb.hr
Frane Bebić, Croatian Mountain Rescue Service (HGSS)
e-mail: frane.bebic@fesb.hr
Dunja Gotovac, Ph.D student
e-mail: dunja.gotovac@fesb.hr
Žarko Rnjak, expert associate
e-mail: zarko.rnjak@fesb.hr
Hrvoje Turić, lecturer
e-mail: turich@pmfst.hr
(*) deceased